UBCparking – University of British Columbia

With a goal to create a consistent graphics, signage and interior design standard within each of six campus parking garages, the University of British Columbia retained the services of PICTOFORM to redesign the brand identity and to design and implement the new UBCparking identity and signage program.

UBC manages and operates more than 12,000 campus parking spaces and now finding campus parking facilities and navigating parking decks is made easier. Bold use of UBC school colors serve to brighten up the typically gray garages while simultaneously creating a sense of place.

2009 – ongoing (2014)

Services Provided:

Brand Identity Re-Design;

Graphics & Signage Standards;

Survey of 6 facilities and the preparation of comprehensive Sign Location Plans, Constructive Documentation & Artwork for manufacturing, Interior Paint Plans & Specifications;

Sign Manufacturing and Installation;

Ongoing sign maintenance.
